Tag Archives: health

Mahabharata (Bhagvatgita) for Psychological (mental) Health and well being

A Daily Routine to Help You with Mental Wellness Using the Ancient Indian Wisdom of Mahabharata (Bhagvatgita) 

Are you suffering from anxiety, stress, anxiousness or any other form of mental health issue (CMHD – common mental health disorders) that you seek help for? I have been there and believe me it was one of the lowest points in my life. But what helped me most is connecting with the ancient wisdom profoundly described in Mahabharata and specifically Bhagvatgita/ Geeta. Now you may belong to any religion or community, and the teaching contained in these texts are applicable to all human beings, equally. Without any religious, caste, or credit discrimination.  

Incorporating the wisdom of the Mahabharata into your daily life can have a profound impact on your mental health. The sayings from the epic provide valuable insights and guidance on managing stress and promoting emotional well-being. By reflecting on these teachings regularly, you can cultivate a positive mindset, find inner balance, and navigate through life’s challenges with greater resilience. Let’s explore how you can incorporate these sayings into your daily routine to support your mental health journey:

Daily Mental Health Practice

Choose a Saying

Begin each day by selecting one saying from the table that resonates with you or addresses aspects of stress management and well-being that you wish to focus on.


Take a few moments to read and contemplate the saying. Consider its deeper meaning and how it relates to your own experiences and struggles with stress.

Internalize the Message

Reflect on the wisdom conveyed in the saying and think about how you can apply it to your life. Consider the practical steps you can take to embody the teachings in your thoughts, actions, and responses to stress.

Affirmation and Visualization

Repeat the saying to yourself as an affirmation, reinforcing its message within your mind. Visualize yourself embodying wisdom, facing stressors with resilience, and experiencing a sense of calm and well-being.

Daily Reminders

Throughout the day, remind yourself of the chosen saying and its relevance to your mental health journey. Use it as a gentle anchor to help you stay grounded, maintain perspective, and make conscious choices that align with the teachings.


Consider maintaining a journal where you can reflect on your experiences, insights, and progress. Write down how the saying resonated with you, any challenges faced, and positive changes observed in your mental well-being.

Integration into Actions

As you become more familiar with the sayings and their application, strive to incorporate the teachings into your daily actions and interactions. Practice emotional regulation, self-care, and stress reduction strategies inspired by the wisdom of the Mahabharata.

Remember, improving mental health is a journey that requires consistent effort and self-compassion. By integrating these sayings into your daily routine, you can gradually cultivate a resilient mindset, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.

Follow the above steps along with chanting one mantra for 10 minutes daily to manage your stress. The following quotes are famous saying from different people in the Mahabharata to help and guide others in their journey of life. 

Wisdom quotes from Mahabharata to help you manage your stress

DaySayingSaid ByTaught To
Monday“Find balance in life’s challenges. Just as a bowstring needs both tension and release, embrace the ebb and flow of stress and relaxation.”Lord KrishnaArjuna
Tuesday“Cultivate a positive mindset amidst adversity. See challenges as opportunities for growth, and maintain faith in your ability to overcome.”ViduraYudhishthira
Wednesday“Detach from the outcome and focus on the present moment. Surrender your stress to the divine, and perform your duties without attachment.”Lord KrishnaBhishma
Thursday“Practice self-care as a means to combat stress. Nourish your body, mind, and soul through rest, meditation, and engaging in activities you enjoy.”DraupadiSubhadra
Friday“Simplify your life and prioritize what truly matters. Let go of unnecessary burdens and commitments that contribute to stress.”BhimaYudhishthira
Saturday“Seek solace in nature’s embrace. Spend time in serene environments, connecting with the elements to restore inner peace.”Sage VyasaPandavas
Sunday“Lean on the support of your loved ones. Share your stress and seek guidance, comfort, and encouragement from those who care about you.”ArjunaKrishna
Quotes from Mahabharata to Manage Stress

Please note that this table provides examples of sayings from the Mahabharata that can help individuals with stress disorders. The “Day” column can be personalized based on the preferred sequence or schedule.

I hope you liked this post. Let me know in the comments below if you feel better reading this post. Follow the blog for more such posts about CMHD (common mental health disorders) and to improve your mental wellness.

Disclaimer: This post is based on ongoing research that is widely available online. This is not professional advice from any medical expert. You should seek a medical professional to help you with mental health disorders. 

Amazing tips for holistic body development by playing sports 

Holistic body development by playing sports 

Playing sports can be a great way to promote holistic body development. When you participate in sports, you can improve your physical fitness, coordination, and overall health. Here are some ways in which playing sports can help with holistic body development 


Physical fitness

Participating in sports can help you improve your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility. This can help you feel more energetic and improve your overall physical health. 


Sports often require you to use your body in coordinated ways, such as running, jumping, and throwing. This can help you improve your balance, coordination, and reaction time. 

Mental health

Playing sports can also have positive effects on your mental health. It can help reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and boost mood. 

Social connections

Participating in sports can also help you make new friends and connect with others. This can help improve your social skills and overall well-being. 

Stress relief

Exercise in general can be a great way to reduce stress, and playing sports can be especially effective because it combines physical activity with social interaction and the opportunity to compete and achieve goals. 

Improved sleep

Regular physical activity can help improve your sleep quality and duration, which is important for overall health and well-being. 

Improved Sleep

Weight management

Participating in sports can help you maintain a healthy weight by burning calories and building muscle mass. 

Injury prevention

Engaging in sports can help improve your balance, coordination, and overall physical conditioning, which can help reduce your risk of injury. 

Bone health

Weight-bearing exercises like those involved in many sports can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 

It’s important to remember that everyone’s bodies are different, and it’s important to listen to your body and take breaks when needed. It’s also important to warm up properly before participating in sports to reduce the risk of injury. Choose a sport that you enjoy and that is suitable for your fitness level. You may also want to consider working with a coach or trainer to help you improve your skills and stay safe while playing sports. 

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Ten life lessons from Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Believe in yourself and your abilities. Ronaldo has always been confident in his abilities and has never let anyone tell him that he couldn’t achieve his goals.
  • Work hard and never give up. Ronaldo has always been known for his relentless work ethic and determination, qualities that have helped him become one of the best soccer players in the world.
  • Take advantage of opportunities. Ronaldo made the most of his opportunity to play for Manchester United and Real Madrid, turning them into some of the most successful clubs in the world.
  • Be humble and gracious in both victory and defeat. Ronaldo is known for being a gracious winner and a good sport, even in the face of defeat.
  • Be a team player. While Ronaldo is undoubtedly a star player, he has always emphasized the importance of teamwork and has worked well with his teammates to achieve success.
  • Be a good role model. Ronaldo is known for his charitable work and has used his platform to raise awareness for important causes.
  • Stay focused and disciplined. Ronaldo has always been disciplined in his training and preparation, qualities that have helped him maintain his high level of play for so many years.
  • Don’t be afraid to take risks. Ronaldo has made a number of bold moves in his career, such as moving from Manchester United to Real Madrid, and has always been willing to take risks in pursuit of his goals.
  • Be open to learning and improving. Despite his success, Ronaldo has never been complacent and has always been willing to learn and improve his game.
  • Remember to have fun. Despite the pressure and demands of being a professional athlete, Ronaldo has always managed to have fun on the field and enjoy the game.

Hope you liked the life lesson from Ronaldo. Comment below to share your thoughts.

How to Become the Best Footballer – Tips from the Experts

Becoming the best footballer takes more than just skill and determination. It requires a combination of physical and mental preparation as well as a little bit of luck. If you’re looking to make it to the top, here are

10 tips that will get you well on your way

Get in Shape

With any sport, physical fitness is essential to becoming the best at what you do. This includes hitting the gym regularly, running sprints, and doing other exercises that will strengthen your body and help maintain endurance. As Lionel Messi said, “If you want to be fit for football then you need to work hard. You need to eat well and have lots of rest.”

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for any athlete since it helps improve concentration and performance. Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after practice or games so that your body can stay at peak performance levels throughout the day.

Stay hydrated while you exercise

Practice Hard

Nobody became an amazing footballer overnight — it takes dedication and hard work to make it happen. Set aside some time every day to practice different skills such as dribbling, shooting, passing, etc., so that when game time comes around, you’re ready for anything!

Watch Other Players

Watching how other players play can be incredibly helpful when trying to become the best footballer possible — especially if they’re better than you! Take note of their techniques and strategies so that maybe one day you can incorporate them into your own game plan.

Get Coached

Working with a coach who knows what they’re talking about can take your game up a notch or two! They’ll be able to pinpoint areas where improvement is needed and help set goals for further development as well as offer guidance on how best to achieve those goals.

Have Fun

Having fun should always be a priority when playing football; otherwise what’s the point? Enjoying yourself while playing not only makes it easier but also makes winning much sweeter in the end!

Develop Mental Strength

Mental strength will help carry you through difficult times both on and off the field. Finding ways to stay motivated even when things aren’t going your way will help build character while giving you an edge over opponents who may not have developed this skill yet.

Have fun

Take Breaks

It can be easy to get too wrapped up in practicing or playing but taking regular breaks is important too! Breaks allow our bodies (and minds) time away from intense activity so that we can come back refreshed and ready for more action! Plus they give us time with friends/family which helps keep us balanced in life overall.

Stay Positive

No matter how tough things get or how many times we fail at something, staying positive will always be beneficial in all aspects of life — including football! Re-framing situations into something positive or seeing them as learning experiences are great ways of keeping morale high even when everything else isn’t going our way.

Believe In Yourself

Last but certainly not least — believing in yourself is key! Believing that no matter what happens we can still succeed if we put our minds (and hearts) into whatever task we set out for ourselves gives us strength when all else fails us! So trust yourself —you got this!

Believe In Yourself

Good luck with your training!

Making it big in football involves more than just honing skills on the pitch; it also requires physical fitness along with mental strength and resilience off it too! Taking these tips from one of today’s greatest footballers, these tips will help you reach new heights both professionally and personally by providing structure necessary for success and achieving greatness on (and off!) the field! Good luck out there—you got this!

Importance of Mental and Physical Health in a Sport

Mental health and physical health are both important aspects of overall health and well being, and this is especially true for athletes. In the world of sports, both mental and physical health are crucial for optimal performance and success.

Good mental and physical health
  • Both mental and physical health are essential for peak athletic performance. In order to perform at their best, athletes need to be in top physical and mental shape. This means maintaining a healthy diet and training regimen, as well as managing stress and other mental health concerns.
  • Mental and physical health are interconnected. The mind and body are closely linked, and what affects one can often impact the other. For example, physical health can impact mental health, as illness or injury can cause stress and other mental health issues. Similarly, mental health can impact physical health, as chronic stress and anxiety can lead to physical symptoms, such as headaches and muscle tension.
  • Athletes face unique challenges and stressors that can impact both mental and physical health. The pressure to perform, the risk of injury, and the challenges of balancing training and competition with other aspects of life can all impact both mental and physical health.
  • Both mental and physical health can be improved with regular exercise and physical activity. Exercise can improve cardiovascular health, maintain a healthy weight, and enhance mental health. It can also help manage stress, improve mood, and boost cognitive function.
  • Both mental and physical health require regular maintenance and care. In order to maintain optimal health and performance, athletes need to prioritize both mental and physical health. This can include seeking support from mental health professionals, practicing relaxation techniques, and engaging in regular physical activity.
  • Both mental and physical health can be impacted by external factors, such as the environment and social support. The support of coaches, teammates, and other members of the athletic community can be crucial for maintaining both mental and physical health.
  • Both mental and physical health can be impacted by internal factors, such as mindset and attitude. An athlete’s mindset and attitude can have a significant impact on both mental and physical health. A positive attitude and a growth mindset can enhance both mental and physical health, while a negative attitude and a fixed mindset can hinder both.
  • Both mental and physical health are essential for overall health and wellbeing. By prioritizing both mental and physical health, athletes can maintain their health and performance and enhance their overall quality of life.

Read more about the importance of holistic body development.