Category Archives: Mental Health

How to Cope Up with Anxiety?


Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as extreme anxiety, restlessness, and physical symptoms such as increased heart rate or sweating. Coping with anxiety requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of the condition. In this article, we’ll provide practical strategies to help you manage and overcome anxiety, allowing you to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress or perceived threats. While occasional worry is normal, chronic worry can have a negative impact on your well-being. It is important to understand the underlying causes and triggers of anxiety in order to effectively address it. Common causes include genetic factors, traumatic experiences, and imbalances in brain chemistry. By understanding anxiety, you can develop personalized coping mechanisms that work for you.

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms

To effectively deal with anxiety, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms. Common physical symptoms of anxiety can include increased heart rate, shortness of breath, muscle tension, and headache. Emotionally, anxiety can manifest as excessive worrying, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances. Being aware of these symptoms can help you recognize when you are experiencing anxiety and take appropriate steps to manage it.

Self Care Exercises

Taking care of yourself is important when dealing with anxiety. By incorporating the following self-care practices into your daily routine, you can improve your overall well-being and reduce anxiety levels.

Exercise regularly

Engaging in regular physical activity has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking, jogging or bicycling, most days of the week.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation techniques help you stay present in the moment, reducing anxiety and stress. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice deep breathing, guided meditation, or other mindfulness exercises to promote relaxation and mental clarity.

Maintain a balanced diet

Your diet plays an important role in managing anxiety. Avoid excessive intake of caffeine, sugar, and processed foods, as these can make anxiety symptoms worse. Instead, focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Seeking Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support when dealing with anxiety. Having someone to talk to and lean on can make a significant difference in your journey to effectively managing anxiety.

Talk to a trusted friend or family member

Sharing your feelings and concerns with a trusted friend or family member can provide emotional support and reassurance. They can offer a fresh perspective on your situation and offer advice or guidance when you need it.

Seek advice from a mental health professional

If anxiety significantly affects your daily life or persists for an extended period of time, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. They can provide specialized guidance, therapy or medication options tailored to your specific needs.

Relaxation Techniques

Practising relaxation techniques can help calm your mind and body during moments of anxiety. Incorporate the following techniques into your daily routine to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety levels.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises help activate the body’s relaxation response and reduce symptoms of anxiety. Take slow, deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on the feeling of your breath and with each exhale let go of any tension.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing individual muscle groups to promote relaxation. Start with your toes and slowly work your way up to your head, paying attention to any areas of tension and consciously relaxing them.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery involves visualizing calm and peaceful scenes to divert your attention from worry. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a peaceful environment, such as a beach or a peaceful garden. Engage your senses and allow yourself to be completely immersed in the imagery.

Lifestyle adjustments

Certain lifestyle adjustments can significantly affect your anxiety levels. Consider making the following changes to create a more anxiety-friendly environment.

Prioritize sleep and rest

Adequate sleep is important for managing anxiety. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a restful bedtime routine, and make sure your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to better sleep quality.

Limit exposure to stress factors

Identify and reduce your exposure to stress in your life. This may include setting boundaries, delegating tasks, or eliminating unnecessary sources of stress. Identify situations or people that contribute to your anxiety and take steps to reduce their effects.

Practice time management

Poor time management can contribute to anxiety. Create a schedule that allows for adequate breaks and downtime. Prioritize your tasks and break them down into small, manageable steps. By managing your time effectively, you can reduce feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective therapeutic approach to managing anxiety. It focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety.

Identify and challenge negative thoughts

Pay attention to your thoughts and identify any negative or irrational patterns. Challenge these thoughts by questioning their validity and replacing them with more realistic and positive alternatives. Over time, this practice can help you rewire your brain and reduce anxiety.

Recreate anxiety-inducing situations

Learn to recreate anxiety-inducing situations by changing your perspective. Instead of assuming catastrophic or worst outcomes, consider alternative interpretations and more positive possibilities. Reframing can help you approach challenging situations with a calmer and more optimistic mindset.

Embracing healthy habits

Incorporating healthy habits into your daily life can help with your overall well-being and help you manage anxiety effectively.

Engage in hobbies and activities

Participating in activities you enjoy can take your mind off worry and provide a sense of fulfillment. Engage in a hobby such as painting, writing, playing an instrument, or gardening. Or any other activity that helps to bring out the more creative side of you. Find activities that bring you joy and make time for them regularly.

Foster Supportive Relationships

Nurture relationships with supportive and understanding individuals who uplift you. Surround yourself with positive influences and seek social connections that promote emotional well-being. Engaging in meaningful conversations and spending time with loved ones can help reduce anxiety.


Managing anxiety is a journey that requires patience, self-care, and a personal approach. By engaging in self-care practices, seeking help, practising relaxation techniques, making lifestyle adjustments, considering medical options, and adopting healthy habits, you can cope with anxiety effectively and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Mahabharata (Bhagvatgita) for Psychological (mental) Health and well being

A Daily Routine to Help You with Mental Wellness Using the Ancient Indian Wisdom of Mahabharata (Bhagvatgita) 

Are you suffering from anxiety, stress, anxiousness or any other form of mental health issue (CMHD – common mental health disorders) that you seek help for? I have been there and believe me it was one of the lowest points in my life. But what helped me most is connecting with the ancient wisdom profoundly described in Mahabharata and specifically Bhagvatgita/ Geeta. Now you may belong to any religion or community, and the teaching contained in these texts are applicable to all human beings, equally. Without any religious, caste, or credit discrimination.  

Incorporating the wisdom of the Mahabharata into your daily life can have a profound impact on your mental health. The sayings from the epic provide valuable insights and guidance on managing stress and promoting emotional well-being. By reflecting on these teachings regularly, you can cultivate a positive mindset, find inner balance, and navigate through life’s challenges with greater resilience. Let’s explore how you can incorporate these sayings into your daily routine to support your mental health journey:

Daily Mental Health Practice

Choose a Saying

Begin each day by selecting one saying from the table that resonates with you or addresses aspects of stress management and well-being that you wish to focus on.


Take a few moments to read and contemplate the saying. Consider its deeper meaning and how it relates to your own experiences and struggles with stress.

Internalize the Message

Reflect on the wisdom conveyed in the saying and think about how you can apply it to your life. Consider the practical steps you can take to embody the teachings in your thoughts, actions, and responses to stress.

Affirmation and Visualization

Repeat the saying to yourself as an affirmation, reinforcing its message within your mind. Visualize yourself embodying wisdom, facing stressors with resilience, and experiencing a sense of calm and well-being.

Daily Reminders

Throughout the day, remind yourself of the chosen saying and its relevance to your mental health journey. Use it as a gentle anchor to help you stay grounded, maintain perspective, and make conscious choices that align with the teachings.


Consider maintaining a journal where you can reflect on your experiences, insights, and progress. Write down how the saying resonated with you, any challenges faced, and positive changes observed in your mental well-being.

Integration into Actions

As you become more familiar with the sayings and their application, strive to incorporate the teachings into your daily actions and interactions. Practice emotional regulation, self-care, and stress reduction strategies inspired by the wisdom of the Mahabharata.

Remember, improving mental health is a journey that requires consistent effort and self-compassion. By integrating these sayings into your daily routine, you can gradually cultivate a resilient mindset, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.

Follow the above steps along with chanting one mantra for 10 minutes daily to manage your stress. The following quotes are famous saying from different people in the Mahabharata to help and guide others in their journey of life. 

Wisdom quotes from Mahabharata to help you manage your stress

DaySayingSaid ByTaught To
Monday“Find balance in life’s challenges. Just as a bowstring needs both tension and release, embrace the ebb and flow of stress and relaxation.”Lord KrishnaArjuna
Tuesday“Cultivate a positive mindset amidst adversity. See challenges as opportunities for growth, and maintain faith in your ability to overcome.”ViduraYudhishthira
Wednesday“Detach from the outcome and focus on the present moment. Surrender your stress to the divine, and perform your duties without attachment.”Lord KrishnaBhishma
Thursday“Practice self-care as a means to combat stress. Nourish your body, mind, and soul through rest, meditation, and engaging in activities you enjoy.”DraupadiSubhadra
Friday“Simplify your life and prioritize what truly matters. Let go of unnecessary burdens and commitments that contribute to stress.”BhimaYudhishthira
Saturday“Seek solace in nature’s embrace. Spend time in serene environments, connecting with the elements to restore inner peace.”Sage VyasaPandavas
Sunday“Lean on the support of your loved ones. Share your stress and seek guidance, comfort, and encouragement from those who care about you.”ArjunaKrishna
Quotes from Mahabharata to Manage Stress

Please note that this table provides examples of sayings from the Mahabharata that can help individuals with stress disorders. The “Day” column can be personalized based on the preferred sequence or schedule.

I hope you liked this post. Let me know in the comments below if you feel better reading this post. Follow the blog for more such posts about CMHD (common mental health disorders) and to improve your mental wellness.

Disclaimer: This post is based on ongoing research that is widely available online. This is not professional advice from any medical expert. You should seek a medical professional to help you with mental health disorders.