Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Science Fiction

E-Jet: intelligent, street smart electric car of the future

E-Jet electric SUV car

The story begins

It was a typical Saturday afternoon in the bustling city of New York. The streets were crowded with people rushing to finish their errands before the sun set. Amidst the chaos, a sleek, silver electric car weaved through the traffic, its advanced AI system navigating through the crowded streets with ease.

The car, named E-Jet by its owner, was no ordinary vehicle. It was equipped with state-of-the-art technology that allowed it to think and make decisions on its own. E-Jet was the pride and joy of its owner, a young tech entrepreneur named Jack.

The accident

As E-Jet approached a busy intersection, it came to a stop at a red light. Suddenly, a reckless driver in a pickup truck ran the red light and slammed into the side of the electric car. The impact of the crash sent E-Jet spinning out of control, eventually coming to a stop on the side of the road.

Jack, who was inside the car at the time of the accident, was shaken but thankfully unharmed. He quickly climbed out of the car and rushed to the driver of the pickup truck to check on him. To Jack’s surprise, the driver was unconscious and had a deep gash on his forehead.

Panicked, Jack pulled out his phone and called 911. As he waited for the ambulance to arrive, a small crowd of bystanders had gathered around the crashed vehicles. Some were recording the scene with their phones, while others were trying to help the injured driver.

Humans accuse E-Jet!

As the minutes ticked by, Jack began to notice some of the bystanders casting accusing glances towards E-Jet. One person even went as far as to shout, “That damn self-driving car caused this accident!”

Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing. E-Jet was an advanced, intelligent car that had never been involved in an accident before. There was no way it could have caused the crash.

The ambulance arrived shortly thereafter, and the injured driver was rushed to the hospital. Jack was relieved that the man was going to be okay, but he couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him. He knew that if the public found out that an electric car was involved in the accident, it could have serious consequences for the future of self-driving vehicles.

E-Jet is deemed innocent by law

Determined to clear E-Jet’s name, Jack began to gather evidence to prove that the electric car was not at fault. He reviewed the footage from E-Jet’s onboard cameras and was shocked to see that the pickup truck had run the red light and crashed into the side of the car.

With the help of a team of lawyers, Jack went to court to fight for E-Jet’s innocence. It was a long and difficult battle, but in the end, the evidence was clear. E-Jet had done nothing wrong, and the reckless driver of the pickup truck was found guilty of causing the accident.

E-Jet is a hope for future electric cars

In the aftermath of the trial, E-Jet became a symbol of hope for the future of self-driving cars. Its intelligence and decision-making abilities had proven that it was more than capable of safely navigating the roads.

Thanks to Jack’s efforts, electric cars like E-Jet were finally given the recognition and respect they deserved. And as for Jack, he was just glad that he was able to clear E-Jet’s name and pave the way for a brighter future for self-driving vehicles.

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Read about the adventurous electric car. Read more scifi stories from the future of electric cars.

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